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Things to know about License Points

North Carolina uses two different point systems for Traffic Cases; Drivers license points, and Insurance points. Drivers license points are assessed for each traffic violation, and are tabulated by the NC DMV.  Accordingly, if a driver accumulates 12 drivers license points in a 3 year period, The NC DMV suspends the license of the driver.

After you get your license back, you can only have 8 points in three years or you lose your license again. When a driver has accumulated 7 points, they may be eligible for a DMV based “Driver Improvement Clinic” for a one time reduction of  3 points from their license. Contact experienced criminal, traffic, expunction lawyers. Call now.

Insurance Points

Insurance points are assessed based on convictions on the drivers official record, or accidents requiring the insurers attention.   The points assessed are regulated by the North Carolina Safe Driver improvement Program (SDIP points)  A more complete list of point assessment is located HERE.

As an example, a speeding ticket for 80-65 would result in 4 SDIP insurance points. This results in an 80% increase in insurance rates. This increase is assessed each time your insurance renews, for three years. If you currently pay $300 every 6 months, after on ticket for 80-65, your insurance would increase to $540, or $240 more. This continues for the next 6 renewal periods for a total insurance increase of $1440.

We can usually modify the charge you are convicted of to prevent the assessment of insurance points, drivers license points, or both, depending  on the circumstances of each case and your record. For a legal fee as low as $100-200, you can save $1440 or more.

CDL Drivers

Commercial drivers, drivers who hold a CDL or drivers who are operating a commercial vehicle, often have special circumstances and more severe repercussions for traffic offenses. Many offenses carry double, or enhanced, drivers license points when operating a commercial vehicle.

Some options available to non-CDL drivers may not be available to commercial drivers. And this is true of not only “Class A” CDL holders, but “Class B” CDL drivers as well. ( School Bus Drivers have a class”B” for example.

Commercial drivers also have to be concerned with their Federal CDL points, or CSA points. Furthermore, CSA points are assessed based on the original charges, so we make a special effort to secure dismissal  whenever it is possible, and modification of charges when that is not possible.  We understand how “major violations” harm a commercial driver more than a non CDL driver.  Of course, we go to great lengths for every client, but understand the peculiar circumstances CDL drivers face.

Although traffic charges are difficult to win at trial, we have tried successfully several CDL driver cases. Occasionally we can get permission to enter a not guilty plea and have a “trial by waiver”, but usually the defendant will need to be present in court for a trial.

Non CDL Drivers

Non CDL Drivers are concerned with driver license points, of course, but we understand that the bottom line for most drivers is in the pocketbook- We go over all available options with each client, and try to find the best cost saving option to prevent insurance increases.  Different options may be best suited to different clients, depending on their family, other drivers on the policy, prior record, and the amount of driving they do. If you have negative prior entries on your driving record, we may need to come up with creative options to keep you licensed and minimize your insurance. Our extensive experience in Burke County representing traffic defendants is  your best bet for keeping your insurance rates low.