“Running Tags.” Sometimes, an officer will decide to “run” a vehicle’s “tag” – that is, run a computer
check to determine whether the license plate on the vehicle is current and matches the vehicle, and
perhaps whether the vehicle is registered to a person with outstanding warrants or who is not permitted
to drive. When this is done randomly, without individualized suspicion, defendants sometimes argue
that the officer has conducted an illegal search by running the tag. Courts have uniformly rejected this
argument, finding that license plates are open to public view. See, e.g., State v. Chambers, 2010 WL
1287068 (N.C. Ct. App. April 6, 2010) (unpublished) (“Defendant’s license tag was displayed, as required
by North Carolina law, on the back of his vehicle for all of society to view. Therefore, defendant did not
have a subjective or objective reasonable expectation of privacy in his license tag. As such, the officer’s
actions did not constitute a search under the Fourth Amendment.”); State v. Davis, 239 P.3d 1002 (Or.
Ct. App. 2010) (upholding a random license check and stating that “he state can access a person’s
driving records by observing a driver’s registration plate that is displayed in plain view and looking up
that registration plate number in the state’s own records”); State v. Donis, 723 A.2d 35 (N.J. 1998)
(holding that there is no reasonable expectation of privacy in the exterior of a vehicle, including the
license plate, so an officer’s ability to run a tag “should not be limited only to those instances when [the
officer] actually witness a violation of motor vehicle laws”). See also infra p. 4 (discussion under
heading “Driver’s Identity” and cases cited therein).
by Jeff Welty, UNC IOG
License Plate Readers
Law enforcement use of automated license plate readers has become very widespread. It raises several interesting legal and practical issues which I briefly explore below.
What are they? License plate readers are electronic devices – basically, enhanced cameras – that scan each passing car, detect the license plate, read it, and record it. The devices may also photograph the plate, such as when the plate matches a “hot list” of stolen plates. The readers may be stationary, mounted on a light pole or an overpass, or they may be mobile, mounted on a police vehicle. When mounted on a vehicle, they may send an alert to the officer driving a vehicle when they detect a noteworthy plate.
Widespread use. According to public records obtained by the ACLU, at least the following North Carolina law enforcement agencies are using license plate readers:
- Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department
- High Point Police Department
- Jacksonville Police Department
- Raleigh Police Department
- Washington Police Department
- Wilmington Police Department
- Wilson County Sheriff’s Office
- Wrightsville Beach Police Department
Other agencies such as the Fayetteville Police Department and the Greenville Police Department, have experimented with or are exploring the use of plate readers.
I don’t know how the ACLU identified agencies to query, or how it decided which responses to post online, but a substantial majority of the agencies whose responses it posted acknowledged using plate readers. Survey data suggests that a majority of all law enforcement agencies already use the readers, and I assume that even more agencies will do so in the future as the technology becomes better known and less expensive. In a few years, every police vehicle may be topped with a plate reader.
Plate readers and traffic stops. Plate readers aren’t perfect, as illustrated by Green v. City and County of San Francisco, 2011 4434801 (N.D. Cal. Sept. 23, 2011) (unpublished), a civil suit arising out of a plate reader’s mistaken determination that plate 5SOW-3-50 matched stolen plate 5SOW-7-50, and the resultant “high risk felony stop” at gunpoint of an innocent motorist. In light of the devices’ fallibility, when an officer receives an alert from a plate reader mounted on her police vehicle, may she rely on the alert to stop the vehicle identified by the reader?
At least in many circumstances, the answer may be yes. See Hernandez-Lopez v. State, 319 Ga. App. 254 (Ga. Ct. App. 2013) (reasonable suspicion supported a vehicle stop where a plate reader gave an officer a “‘wanted person’ alert” after detecting a license plate associated with a person who had previously failed to appear in court; the officer noted that the wanted person was a male as was the driver of the vehicle); People v. Davila, 901 N.Y.S.2d 787 (N.Y. Sup. Ct. 2010) (a plate reader alerted to a vehicle with suspended registration; this provided reasonable suspicion to support a traffic stop). But cf. Rodriguez v. State, __ S.E.2d __, 2013 WL 1767660 (Ga. Ct. App. 2013) (a driver was issued traffic citations and failed to appear in court to answer them, so an arrest warrant was issued for the driver; later, a cruiser-mounted license plate reader spotted the license plate associated with the previous citations; officers stopped the vehicle based on the match; although the person driving at that point was not the subject of the arrest warrant, officers searched the car based on consent and found marijuana; a majority of the appellate court found that the defendant waived her right to contest the validity of the stop, while a dissenting judge would have ruled that, absent evidence that the vehicle was registered to the fugitive or that the driver shared physical characteristics with the fugitive there was not a sufficient basis for the stop).
Privacy concerns. The ACLU just released a report on readers, entitled You Are Being Tracked. The report acknowledges the crime-solving potential of the devices, but argues that the proliferation of the readers and the long retention of the data that they collect poses a privacy threat:
The implementation of automatic license plate readers poses serious privacy and other civil liberties threats. More and more cameras, longer retention periods, and widespread sharing allow law enforcement agents to assemble the individual puzzle pieces of where we have been over time into a single, high-resolution image of our lives. The knowledge that one is subject to constant monitoring can chill the exercise of our cherished rights to free speech and association. Databases of license plate reader information create opportunities for institutional abuse, such as using them to identify protest attendees merely because these individuals have exercised their First Amendment-protected right to free speech. If not properly secured, license plate reader databases open the door to abusive tracking, enabling anyone with access to pry into the lives of his boss, his ex-wife, or his romantic, political, or workplace rivals.
Law enforcement generally disagrees, noting the absence of actual examples of abuse, in contrast to the plentiful real examples of plate readers solving crimes like vehicle theft (N&O story) and murder (Jalopnik story). One of the key issues in this area is how long the license plate data should be retained. Agencies vary in this regard, with retention periods ranging from 48 hours to indefinitely.
Fourth Amendment issues. Whether the use of plate readers is a privacy problem or not, at least under conventional Fourth Amendment doctrine, using a plate reader isn’t a “search” because the reader is just looking at something in public view. See United States v. Wilcox, 2011 WL 679416 (11th Cir. Feb. 28, 2011) (unpublished) (defendant argued that “the use of the tag reader technology amounted to unconstitutional surveillance that violated his reasonable expectation of privacy,” but the court disagreed, finding no expectation of privacy in the defendant’s license plate as it was plainly visible on the public roads). Cf. State v. Chambers, 2010 WL 1287068 (N.C. Ct. App. April 6, 2010) (unpublished) (“Defendant’s license tag was displayed, as required by North Carolina law, on the back of his vehicle for all of society to view. Therefore, defendant did not have a subjective or objective reasonable expectation of privacy in his license tag. As such, the officer’s actions did not constitute a search under the Fourth Amendment.”).
However, when data gathered from multiple plate readers is combined, and is retained over time, one could argue that the resulting database approaches continuous surveillance, akin to constant tracking of every vehicle. This may eventually implicate the so-called mosaic theory of the Fourth Amendment. The Supreme Court’s decision in United States v. Jones, __ U.S. __, 132 S.Ct. 945 (2012), the GPS tracking case I discussed here, suggests a receptiveness to that idea. That is, a majority of the Court appears sympathetic to the notion that long-term monitoring of individuals’ movements without a search warrant may be forbidden by the Fourth Amendment. Plate readers likely are not yet ubiquitous enough to raise a serious Fourth Amendment question about their use, but as their presence grows, that day may come.
3 comments on “License Plate Readers”
July 19, 2013 at 3:15 am
The poster’s above comment is exactly why we have the 4th Amendement, to put restrictions on these potential abuses. The above poster cited the example of a few cases (all of which have nothing to do with plate readers) to justify the operation and expansion of plate readers and have indefinite retention of data. We cannot trust the government and law enforcement to not abuse this information. As they say, absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Tina Swanno
July 18, 2013 at 11:11 am
As a former law enforcement officer, the justification for the use of plate readers far outweighs the “perceived” notion of privacy that in reality is non existent when it comes to one driving on a public road. People are becoming paranoid of “big brother” when they should be more concerned with the idea that registering plates that enter an area is a sure fire way to solve criminal activity such as a string of burglaries. Keeping the data indefinitely should not be an issue since often crimes occur over a stretch of time and if records are deleted, valuable information is lost that could provide clues. The son of sam case was cracked by a parking ticket, CCTV provides photos of criminals engaging in activity, facebook entries are tracked and have resulted in the arrests of numerous offenders. If one is not engaging in illegal activity then why should they care if their plate or phone call for that matter is being tracked. Amazing how many people will post to facebook where they are and then wonder why their house was broken into when they were not home or not monitor their children’s website visits and wonder how come Johnny or Jane get into trouble. Plate readers need to stay and be expanded!
July 18, 2013 at 1:39 pm
That’s a dangerous ends-justify-the-means argument. There are lots of crimes that could be discovered or solved by invading privacy. Should we just start searching people’s houses and cars for drugs? Should we allow roadblocks to check for illegal activity? Even if I’m not doing anything illegal, I don’t want the government to be able to search me and my property for no reason.